Hello hello, fellow Synapsium enthousiasts!
We, the Synapsium committee, come bearing good news. As of today, the ticket sales for the Synapsium have openened. This means that you can now officially choose to join us on the 29th of May for a fun day of talking science together! Ticket prices range from 2-9 euros, depending on what type of ticket you buy. But while the tickets have a price, experiencing the Synapsium is absolutely priceless!
And, in order to convince you even more (if we even need to do that), we will now reveal our amazing programme for the day!

We have two rounds of amazing student speakers (pick your favourite for each round), incredibly talented keynote speakers (whom we have already revealed), extremely interesting poster presentations, two very cool workshops, and last but absolutely not least, a fascinating panel discussion! And to make it even more amazing, if you choose a ticket + goodie bag, you get a lunch provided by Betty & Mora! Doesn’t that sound great? Because we think it does!
If our great speakers, amazing programme, tasty lunch options, and boundless enthousiasm have convinced you to come, you can click on this link to buy a ticket! We hope to see you there!
The Synapsium committee | Maran