Our committees are small groups of people that are at the heart of Dondrite: it is here that all the activities are planned and organized. We’re always looking for new enthusiastic members that can help us grow while learning useful organizational skills! Don’t worry about the time it will cost you, you can always indicate to yourself how much time you have got and it is a lot of fun! If you want to join one of the committees you can now sign up here! For more information, please contact one of the members of the committee or the board!
Activity Committee
‘Our mission is to sparkle your study time with social fun events!’
The Activity Committee organizes all non-study related activities for the Dondrites. On the first Friday of every month we will a special Dondrite Borrel where we can bond together, but we also organize other activities each month. One of these activities you have most likely already seen because it is the introduction. Other activities range from the very sporty, to cultural, to just relaxing. The highlight of our activities is our Dondrite Winter prom. If you like organizing things or are enthusiastic and have some great ideas, please join us or let us know! This year, the committee consists of Lieke (chair), Meike (secretary), Thibaud (treasurer), Dagmar (PR), Mie (ambassador), Tess, Douwe, Alexander, & Siena (supervising board member).

Education Committee
‘We nurture connections, both within and between brains.’
The Education Committee is deeply devoted to stimulate the tireless brains of our fellow Dondrites! To help you build the most solid understanding of even the hardest courses we organize study groups that share the knowledge contained in our diverse backgrounds. And since we know that a true Dondrite can never get enough of neuroscience, we set up events to debate hot topics in our discussion meetings, and organize lectures from guest speakers to deepen our knowledge or broaden it with new skills. We have yet more plans to built the best learning environment so stay tuned – or come and help us design it! The education committee currently consists of Neele (chair), Carlos (chair), Ruggero (secretary), Jil (PR), Eva (treasurer), Lena (external communication), Lydia (supervising board member), Charlotte, Jennifer & Stephan (supervising board member).
Travel Committee
‘Traveling stimulates our brain and encourages growth and new
connections within cerebral matter as well as personal connections.’
The Travel Committee organizes a yearly city trip to an awesome, yet unknown destination. This year the trip will take place around April/May. During this trip, we will do a scala of activities like for example a city tour and a pub crawl. Furthermore, we will try to meet other neuroscience students from the city through a visit to a cognitive neuroscience-related department or company. It is going to be awesome so sign up as soon as registration opens! Also, we are always looking for people to help us organizing the trip. So do you like to organize stuff and are you a true explorer? Did you always watch Dora when you were little? Hesitate no longer and sign up to be a part of the committee! The committee currently consists of Eline (Chair), Juulke (Secretary), Isabella (Treasurer), Bilge (PR), Isabelle (supervising board member) and Siena .

Scribe Committee
‘Writing makes the world go round’
The Scribe Committee is here to deliver all of the hottest updates and info from Dondrite to its members! Every month our creative brains are firing at its full potential to provide you with an amusing monthly newsletter. This way, we convey messages through inter(n)view, engage with fun games, memes, Dondrite picks and most importantly keep everyone updated with upcoming dondrite activities and plans of the Board. Next to that, we are proud to tell you that we have already published four beautiful editions of the Dondrite yearbook. These books treasure our friendship, fond memories, experiences, quotes, opinions and much more. In short, Scribe is the committee that has to do with writing, state of the art, journalism and layout. From left to right, we are: Björn (secretary), Lina (PR), Charlotte (chair), Swantje (treasurer), Beatrice, Lisa, Christa (not in the photo) & Jule (not in the photo, supervising board member).
Synapsium Committee
‘Bringing people together since 2013′
The Synapsium Committee organizes a yearly symposium by and for students. This year, we are organizing the ninth edition of Synapsium. Far away but still together, we are trying our best to organize the Synapsium in times of corona. We are using the same creativity to turn this year’s Synapsium into a virtual (but secretly hoping for a real-life) symposium! It is quite a challenge, but we are sure this year’s Synapsium will still make it possible to exchange hot topics in neuroscience! We hope to see you all! The committee currently consists of Andreas (chair), Lydia (Secretary & Board Supervisor), Kevin (Treasurer & Webdesigner), Kiara (External Affairs & PR), Beatrice (PR Manager), Kelly (Design & Programme Director), Cathelijne (Programme Director), Lucía (Programme Director) & Maye (Programme Director)

Sports Committee
‘Exercise not only builds muscle, it strengthens the brain by growing new neurons.’

Food Committee
‘Feed your brain the right nutrients, and it will reward you with clarity, focus, and energy.’

Advisory Committee
‘Many receive advice, only the wise profit from it.’