Murder Mystery Walk
On Saturday 22nd of May at 13h a body was found in the garden of the house on the Duivelsberg. We immediately thought to call you to help solve the mystery! Will you join us on this adventure and find the killer?
This adventure will take place at the Duivelsberg near Nijmegen (about 30mins biking). You can sign up in pairs or alone in which case we can pair you up if you want. You will have a nice walk there all while also solving a murder.
The event costs €2 for members and €4 for non-members, for which you will get a surprise goodiebag and maybe a prize 😏. Please transfer this amount to NL58 SNSB 0946 7377 38 – Study Association Dondrite, with the message “Cluedo Hike – your name”.
If you are up for the challenge, sign up before the 19th of May at midnight! →