Café Philosophique Neurotechnology
This week Jochem will introduce us to the fascinating topic of neurotechnologies and closely bonded with them neuroethics. Modern brain-reading technologies promise the ability to decode and interpret mental states and processes. Reading the brain can have numerous social consequences. In particular, this can affect the private nature of the mind, creating both ethical and legal concerns. During Cafe Philosophique, we will consider the problems of “neuromarketing”, BCI, BTBI, and wide-ranging neuroethical complexities. Can neurotechnologies contribute to potential violations of mental privacy and civil rights? To what extent can brain-reading technologies be used against one’s will, and what are the neuroethical implications of such action? What new ethical problems does the BTBI technology raise? How does the connection of minds and machines via BCI and smart devices (ID) affect the user’s sense of autonomy?
Grab a cup of coffee or tea, bring some cookies, and see you at the café to philosophize together!