Eline’s birthyay!
It's the birthday of our dearest secretary. We wish you all the best Eline, happy birthday!
Charlotte’s birthyay!
It's the birthday of our lovely prior treasurer. We wish you all the best Charlotte, happy birthday!
Creative Relaxation Activity
The first relaxation activity will take place on Friday the 15th of January at 16h. This will be a creative activity. You do not need anything else than your creativity […]
Sporty Relaxation Activity
The second relaxation activity will take place on Friday the 22nd of January at 16h. This will be a sporty activity in which we will do a workout together and […]
Dondrite’s 4th Birthyay!
As you hopefully know our wonderful study association celebrates her 4th birthday this year! We know it is a strange time, but we are still looking forward to celebrating our […]
Cake drive-through – Dondrite birthyay!
As promised, we would also like to at least meet some of you this day, totally corona-proof! That is: we will have a cake drive-through to celebrate our 4th birthday […]
Dondrite birthyay Pub quiz
Since on the 31st of January, we will turn 4, but we are still not able to meet up in real life, unfortunately, we have decided to present you with […]
Monthly online board game night
On a monthly basis, we will provide many games like cards against humanity, Pictionary, among us, maffia. and many more Every game will be provided with its own Jitsi room […]
Dutch: Tweede Kamerdebat
Op 17 maart 2021 vinden de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen plaats en dat betekent dat studievereniging ismus hard aan het werk is om verschillende activiteiten te organiseren in aanloop van deze gebeurtenis. […]
Dondrite Lunch Break
Every Monday 12:00-13:30, the Board is hosting a Dondrite Lunch Break at the Dondrite Room. Bring your own lunch and enjoy so free snacks with your fellow Dondrite friends. Also […]