Meet (y)our Donderians
During these tough times, students feel distanced from the lecturers and researchers that we have at the Donders Institute, and vice versa. Under normal circumstances, it would be possible to walk by their offices, get some Betty and Mora’s together or have a nice chat at the coffee machine, but unfortunately, that is not the reality at this moment.
With that in mind, we asked you which researchers you would like to get to know a bit better. Today is the day! During this event, you will get the chance to ask them things you always wanted to know but never got a chance (or the balls) to ask!
Students, researchers, professors, and all in between will be divided into break-out rooms, and switch around every +/- 15 minutes. Hopefully, this will lead to some nice and inspiring conversations, and who knows even new friendships and collaborations.
Make sure to sign up via the Google form before the 18th of May.