The last years have brought many changes with them, but one thing that was (almost) normal again this year were the Introduction Days for our new CNS Master Students.
The first day was packed with a lot of information and games to get to know each other. After the introduction lecture, we met with those new students that were in Nijmegen and went to the nearest park to have lunch together. This was also a perfect way to fuel our energy levels because there was a long day ahead!

After socializing a bit, we moved on to the name games – ranging from chasing each other with paper sheets to finding a “nice” adjective according to the first letter of your name. Closing off with a speed dating round, we were ready for the Crazy 55, which all groups completed excellently but of course there could only be one winner: so congratulations to the Iconic Channels, again! We hope the goodie bags were to your liking 🙂

The evening had some changes of plans in store and instead of the online Pub Quiz that we originally planned, we all got some food in the city centre within groups and relaxed for the night – but no worries, the Pub Quiz will not be forgotten!
Moving on to the second (and sadly also the last) day of the Introduction, we started off with a chill meeting on the lovely beach. Although the weather did not want to help us with making it perfect, it was still very nice to see all the familiar faces again and to have a chat together.
The day concluded with the BBQ, organized by Arno, Ellen and the others at the Cultuurcafé and everyone got together to have some delicious food and drinks. Afterwards, the mingling started again and we ended the evening with some borrels and a lot of fun!
So thank you all for participating and helping with everything, because all the fun and special moments together would not have been possible without you there!