Synapsium: Save the Date!

Well hello, you absolutely amazing Dondrite member (and non-members too),

 Did this get your attention? Good! Because we have an important announcement we want to make.

But first, what is Synapsium? A very good question, if we say so ourselves. We are a yearly returning symposium by Cognitive Neuroscience students for Cognitive Neuroscience students. And, while we might be a part of Dondrite, we are absolutely open to people who do not study Cognitive Neuroscience here, in our dear own Nijmegen. If you’re new here, you might know us from the “Meet the Committees” event, which was held on last week.

Speaking of, that is what we will be doing as well. To get as close to a physical meet up as possible, this year, on the 29th of May 2021, Synapsium will take place in Write it down in your agendas, because you sure don’t want to miss what we have planned.

But no Synapsium is complete without its theme. This year too, we haven chosen something we find very interesting. But what is this year’s theme? Well, that’s where you come in. Because we would like to know what you think the theme will be, based on this year’s logo.

Our logo, but this time without a distracting background!

So, what do you think the theme will be? It might not be as obvious as it seems. But we’re sure that together, you will figure something out. After all, it’s no rocket science. The first 3 people to come closest to the actual theme, will be given a little sur-prize! So, comment your answers down below. We’re very curious to see what you come up with!

-The Synapsium Committee | Maran

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